The top bar loses its compass indicators, though the background texture is unique to each cardinal direction which allows for navigation with enough practice. You cannot see where you are from the world map, you must deduce your location from what you see around you. Eating from communal pots of food only provides 5 Nourishment. Repair kits and repairing at vendors will cost significantly more. Items purchased from vendors are much more expensive. Health potions take much more time to take effect. Combat is much deadlier for both you and enemies. Auto-saves from quests are disabled saving only occurs if you drink Saviour Schnapps, sleep, or go to a Bathhouse to heal. You will still have access to the remaining contents of the chests though. George's sword or Augsburg plate chausses. The chests of the non DLC Treasure maps will be missing the high end gear like St. Upon "surviving" these odds, you are prompted to select at least two negative perks, which will stay throughout your entire playthrough, without hope of relinquishing them.
Hardcore mode is brutal for even the experienced players because although the changes to actual gameplay are few, as they are mostly stat tweaks, there are some changes that severely impact the way that players will actually have to play it.įunnily enough upon starting a new hardcore playthrough, you have a 90% chance of dying in the menu screen, which is followed by a small text describing how it occurred.