Imsa insurance marketplace standards association sun life
Imsa insurance marketplace standards association sun life

Insurance Marketplace Standards Association (IMSA) is an independent, non-profit organization created in 1996 to promote high ethical standards in the marketing, selling, and servicing of individually sold life insurance, annuities, and long-term care insurance.

imsa insurance marketplace standards association sun life

Insurers who have earned IMSA membership have been subject to rigorous assessments to meet the principles and codes of IMSA. Through its Principles and Code of Ethical Market Conduct, IMSA encourages its member companies to develop and implement policies and procedures to promote sound market practices. IMSA is a voluntary membership organization leading the insurance industry in promoting high ethical standards in the sale of individual life insurance, long-term care insurance and annuity products. IMSA stands for Insurance Marketplace Standards Association, but for the millions of Americans who buy insurance products from IMSA member companies it spells something more: confidence. Insurance Marketplace Standards Association (IMSA)

imsa insurance marketplace standards association sun life

Ethics: Responsibilities, Obligations, and Codes

Imsa insurance marketplace standards association sun life